Web, Internet, Computing

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Programming languages compared

Tuesday, March 10th, 2009

I suspect it’s very well known, but I hadn’t noticed this programming language comparison before — the JavaScript example is cute.

CSS Animation in the Apple Safari Browser

Monday, March 9th, 2009

Apple is supporting CSS Animations in Safari for both desktop and the iPhone.  Follow that link using the new Safari 4 Beta and you can try out some of the effects, including <div>s that fade out or spin around when you click them.  The extension properties have names like “-webkit-transition” and so are specific to […]

If all the Web were Flash

Sunday, February 15th, 2009

Long ago, I got a degree in physics, and one of the things physicists do is to ask “what would happen if you took xxxxx to the extreme limiting case?”  For example, what would happen if the mass of your car were infinite, or if the size of the electron was arbitrarily small?  So, a […]

The Self-Describing Web

Sunday, February 8th, 2009

The Self-Describing Web was published yesterday as an official W3C TAG finding.  I am the editor, which means I did almost all of the writing, and I was among the TAG members who contributed significantly to the debate about the content.  After two years of work, many drafts, and lots of interesting discussion, it feels […]

New Job at IBM

Monday, February 2nd, 2009

As of today, I have a new job, working in the Emerging Technologies area of IBM’s Software Group.  I’ve really enjoyed my time in IBM Research, but it’s time to move on.  I will be focusing especially on Web-based client technologies.  More details to follow (as I figure them out).

Chairing the TAG

Thursday, January 29th, 2009

On Tuesday, Tim Berners-Lee announced that he is appointing me to chair the W3C’s Technical Architecture Group (known as the TAG).  It’s an honor, and it’s also going to be a challenge.

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