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5 years
By Noah | April 7, 2015
Seems hard to believe, but exactly 5 years ago I was signing the papers to retire from IBM after a career that had spanned 36 years. I said in my post that day that I hoped to “take an extended break to play music, read, travel, work on our house, spend time with my children, and also … explore some computing technologies that I have not had the opportunity to investigate while working”. For the longer term I hoped to continue my computer work and to be “teaching, consulting, … and perhaps doing some community work”. Amazingly, almost all those things have happened, and it’s been a really wonderful five years. Of course, the great highlight has been my extraordinary good luck in getting to join the CS Department at Tufts. Teaching there has been everything I hoped it would be and more. I got to spend 3 more years chairing the W3C TAG, working with some of the best distributed system architects in the world. The other unexpected treat was moving from occasional to full time bass player for Rock City Band. Nothing’s been more fun than going out week after week playing music with some of my best friends. And yes…that extra time with my family, especially in the years that the children were home, will always be treasured.
I’ll be very lucky if the next five years are anywhere near as good as these!
Topics: Music, Teaching, Web, Internet, Computing | 2 Comments »
April 7th, 2015 at 2:45 PM
Wonderful – Congratulations and best wishes for the next Five!
April 7th, 2015 at 3:59 PM
Thanks, Rudy!