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Type too fast, melt your processor?
By Noah | September 25, 2010
Not really, of course, but there’s a nice ASPLOS XV paper from Mesa-MartÃnez et. al. titled Characterizing Processor Thermal Behavior which explains, among other things:
“…each [Emacs] keystroke generates around 1â—¦ C thermal spike…”
Who knew? In their tests, the startup phase of Emacs raised the processor temperature in the area being measured (simulated) by 15â—¦ C. Most of what’s driving modern trends toward multicore architectures is the tendency for higher speed single core machines to run too hot. Indeed, I saw one presentation at IBM pointing out that heat densities were passing those found on the surface of a clothes iron! Anyway, this is an interesting paper if you’re interest in modern processor design.
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