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W3C Hosts Web Developer Gathering (Nov. 5, Bay Area)

By Noah | October 7, 2009

Approximately once a year, the W3C hosts a combined gathering of the many working groups that develop Web standards such as HTML, XML, Web Services, etc.   Traditionally, the attendees have been members of the working groups, who have the opportunity to visit each others’ meetings, etc.  This year, the W3C is adding a Thursday afternoon “Developer Gathering” on November 5th that is open to anyone who is interested, regardless of whether they are active in the W3C.   There is a meeting page with information about registration, etc.  Many of the most influential designers and developers of core Web standards will be either at the Developer Gathering, or in nearby working group meetings and available for discussion during breaks.From the agenda:

W3C invites the public to gather for an afternoon of discussion and networking. This Developer Gathering takes place during W3C’s annual Technical Plenary (TPAC) Week, when W3C Working Groups meet face-to-face and work to resolve the most challenging technical issues facing the Consortium.

The afternoon’s speakers will present the latest on various open standards in development and gather feedback from participants. Currently, we have the following speakers lined up; others will be announced shortly:

  • Arun Ranganathan (Mozilla) on APIs
  • Fantasai on CSS
  • Philippe Le Hégaret (W3C) on community-built browser test suites.
  • Mark Davis (Unicode Consortium) on controversies around international domain names
  • Leslie Daigle (ISOC) topic to be confirmed

We will add to this list as more speakers finalize their commitments.


Here is the outline of the 4.5 hour meeting (including lunch):

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch (California Ballroom 5).
A vegetarian option will be available.
14:00 – 15:30 Session I: The Web Browser
15:30 – 16:00 Break
16:00 – 18:00 Session II: Internet Ecosystem

Meeting location:

Santa Clara Marriott
2700 Mission College Boulevard
Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA

$75 advance fee or $150 at the door. Registration appears to be limited to 100.

If you’re in the Bay Area, and interested in Web technology, this might be an interesting session.

(BTW: the first version of this posting mistakenly said that the meeting was happening on Friday the 6th;  it’s Thursday the 5th.  Don’t be mislead that the permalink URI text, the 5th it is.)

Topics: Web, Internet, Computing | No Comments »

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